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Traffic Design & Planning

The Traffic Design Company goes over every detail, saving you time and money. 

We assess your traffic management needs and design effective solutions.  We pride ourselves on the state of the art mapping programs which are used to design site-specific plans. This makes for an easy fit once the plan leaves the computer and is implemented out on site. We can handle any Traffic Guidance Schemes [plans] for all types of activities, from telecommunication network upgrades to civil construction work with an abundance of knowledge and experience in all facets of the construction industry, The Traffic Design Company is your choice every time.  We develop these plans in close consultation with you, local and state authorities, and contractors in order to ensure maximum efficiency whilst maintaining the highest safety and compliance standards.  No plan has been declined by any QLD Council, TMR Department or Traffic Branch of the QLD Police.  We have been successful with many projects because of this record and professionalism.

The Traffic Design Company also has an RPEQ on hand to sign off on any requirement that is not covered by the MUTCD.

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